Drama by Arthur Miller
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Directed by: Fred Nelson
Performance Dates: March 31- April 23, 2023
In 1947 suburbia, Joe Keller is on the cusp of retirement. He’s had a
successful career as a hard-working businessman, and enjoys a loving,
patriotic home life. However, all is not as it seems. World War II has
made Joe an American success story—but the devil will have his due.
As the layers of this classic Arthur Miller drama unfold, a long-held secret is unearthed, and the American dream is riddled with betrayal,
tragedy, and revenge.
Gene Valendo
Janet Preston
Thomas Donohue
Dana Fleischer
Anthony Cosgrove
David Chalmers
Melanie Wuertzer
Andrew Rappa
Cathy Holmes
Samantha Clark
Thriller/Mystery by Frederick Knott
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Directed by: Ilene Chalmers
Performance Dates: October 7-30, 2022
Now two are left: Susy, recently blinded and still learning how to live in a sighted world, and Roat, a psychopathic killer. Roat wants a heroin-stuffed doll he thinks Susy has. All Susy wants is to survive. Dim the lights, check the door's chain lock, and brace yourself for a chilling play as polished as the steel of Roat's blade.
Anthony Cosgrove
Randy Lindsay
Andrew Rappa
Gemma Davimes
Joseph Downs
Samantha Clark
Daniel Monteith
Cathy Holmes
Comedy by Lewis Black
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Directed by: Jennifer L. Franklin
Performance Dates: July 8-31, 2022
It’s Courtney’s wedding day, and her mom, Delia, is making sure that everything is perfect. The groom is perfect, the dress is perfect, and the decorations (assuming they arrive) will be perfect. Then, like in any good farce the doorbell rings. And all hell breaks loose. So much for perfect.
Bill Fellows
Maribeth Vogel
Randy Lindsay
Amanda Matousek
Kat Binney
Rachel Simms
Joseph Downs